The Solar Eclipse And The Allais Effect
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Maurice Allais  found  deviations of a  Paraconical Pendulum during the 1954 Solar Eclipse in Paris, and also in 1959. The deviation was about 15 degrees, which is quite substantial.  Scientists still have "no idea" of the cause of these observations, but tend to attribute them to natural causes other  than gravitational variability. The deviation found was claimed to be about 100 million times greater than scientific theory would allow.

Allais's experimental work entailed a swinging pendulum. This normally changes direction slowly as the Earth rotates and the alignment with the various gravitational  bodies alters. His pendulum took a sudden deviation during the total solar eclipse, of about 15 degrees. It is fairly obvious that the moon must be blocking something, and "modern science" does not want to know.

These experiments have never been accepted by the scientific community because the results could not be replicated. And this is not surprising. My research shows that at the exact time of this Eclipse in 1954, the planet Jupiter was concealed behind the Sun. The two most massive bodies in the Solar System were suddenly removed from any influence on the pendulum. The locations of Saturn and Uranus at this time should enable calculations to possibly verify Allais's results.

About 1999 Allais had his findings translated from French to English in the forlorn hope that NASA might revisit his work, but nothing much has been done.  This is a 3.8 Mb PDF file.

A huge amount of material about Allais and his work is available on the Internet, and is essential reading for anyone interested in understanding, as opposed to ignoring, gravity.

Maurice Allais is a highly intelligent scientist, who's work in another area earned him a Nobel Prize. His findings should have been incorporated into our store of knowledge, and not disregarded.

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