Asteroid Or Comet Heating And Light Emissions
                                                             Tempel 1

Deep Impact Mission collided with Tempel 1 July 4 2005, at a point 0.71 AU from earth,
and approximately 1.71 AU from the Sun. 1 AU = Distance from Earth to the Sun.

Being so far from the Sun the average surface temperature should be extremely cold, possibly at least -200 degrees centigrade. However the surface temperature was recorded as being 53 Degrees C.

The size of this object is 7.6 x 4.9 x 4.9 kilometers. The density is 0.6 g/cc which means it is composed of material which is extremely  light or it is hollow.

The spin rate is 1.7 days.

When impacted the dust cloud was visible from Earth telescopes. The surface is described as dark and heat absorbing. A cloud of dark dust would seem unlikely to create a light bright enough to see from 0.71 AU distant.

The light and temperature anomalies can be easily reconciled using the theory discussed
in these pages. Simply put, the asteroid is rotating at a spin rate sufficient to create its own Dynamic Gravitational Field, or its velocity may create the same effect. Where this DGF interacts with the Suns DGF an electric field is created exactly as in the Earths atmosphere.
The dust cloud seen from Earth may be a temporary atmosphere formed when the impact zone has been vaporized. This atmosphere has then been able to create it's own light as it enters the area of electric currents.

The heating of the asteroid would be by the same internal electrical heating as the Earth,
that is, the dissipation of the electrical energy created above the object, into the object.

Wild 2

Comet Wild 2  was closely inspected on Jan 2 2004 by the Stardust Encounter.
The size of this object was about 1.65 x 2 x 2.75 km.
The spin rate is thought to be around 12 hours.
The distance from Sun and Earth  was similar to Tempel 1.
The surface temperature of 18 degrees centigrade was also nowhere near scientific estimates.

I suspect that this is a temperature pattern we shall see repeated. Although the spin rates appear a lot slower than required to generate the required fields, there may be other factors at work. For instance the composition may be more magnetic, or the higher orbital velocity than the Earth's through the Suns DG Field, may create the correct conditions.