Two Great Lights
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 From the Bible, on the very first page, perhaps to give it  some prominence, we are told that we have a second light  source.  God created two great lights.

                                    Genesis Chapter 1 V 16
And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also.
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On the very first page of the Bible, Genesis 16 tells us that God made two great lights.

The Moon is not mentioned. It is not a light, but a reflector. Hardly a great light. The "stars he made also" suggests that they are not one of the great lights.

If a light "rules" the night, then it must be day. I believe, like everyone else, that the Sun rules the night or darkness of space to give us daytime. But this would be the "lesser" light. The "greater" light rules the day. This would  mean that the second great light, our electrified atmosphere, must supply even more than the Sun's light, to give us two great lights.

I believe the second great light is created, by day, in our atmosphere, in the area where science acknowledges there are huge amounts of high voltage electricity, and that it would probably be impossible for an area of high voltage and low pressure atmosphere not to create light, as this would be nothing other than the fluorescent or neon type lights which are in common use.
Another thing to consider is the word "Twilight".What we think of as twilight would be more correctly termed "after light" or "after glow". We also have "pre dawn". The word twilight implies "TWICE LIGHT" or "TWIN LIGHT" or "SECOND LIGHT".
Contrary to science's theory of refraction, it seems more likely that when the Sun sets on the ground, it is still just in contact with the  ionosphere and is able to supply the last of our light electrically.

My Shorter Oxford English Dictionary On Historical Principles tells me that "The exact force of twilight here is doubtful" It seems they don't really know where it comes from.
The above observations are particularly interesting in connection with science's theory that we  are  just exceptionally lucky our planet is located at the right distance from a Sun to provide the light required for life to exist. Distance may not be a requirement at all. The only requirement would be rotation. Note that we have now found the back of Saturn to be reasonably well lit, probably from the effect of the rings rotating at a velocity sufficient to illuminate the whole planet.