Lateral Acceleration Using A Separate Offset Field  Within The Machines Main Offset Field
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If the discs were to be designed with the upper disc having the arrays and coils at a 45 degree angle,  and the lower disc simply the same but inverted, then it may be possible to obtain thrust in any direction, straight or curved. All the upper angled coils activated may create lift, some of the coils, in pairs,  upper and lower, may create horizontal acceleration, and combinations may be required for angled  acceleration in any direction.

Table Magnet Position Template
At some rotational rate  of the double rings the machine should  hover. Increasing the rotational rate should see the machine accelerate vertically within its Dynamic Gravitational Field in the direction "A". Short circuiting both the upper and lower coils at "B" should see the machine accelerating horizontally, as the coils attempt to find the centre of gravity of their Dynamic Gravitational Field. If the two operations are performed simultaneously the machine should move in the direction "C"