The Vimana is recorded in ancient Indian texts as being a flying machine, and its features are described in detail. Below is just one source on the internet.

"The crafts primary drive supposedly used the metal Mercury in a closed system that heated the Mercury to a high heat. This vapor was set into oscillation through a set of coils wound in caduceus fashion. (Wrapped around each other like two snakes, the heads pointing at each other.) Please see the picture CADUCEUS (below) from page 248 of the related book, "Vimana Aircraft of Ancient India & Atlantis",  by David Hatcher Childress."

The above drawing seems to indicate a counter rotating system. This could be electricity flowing in coils with the current flowing in opposite directions. This would seem to annul any fields generated.

Other interpretations or descriptions of Vimanas suggest dual tubes with liquid mercury being pumped around each but in opposite directions, creating a gyroscopic effect.

The machine I am building has been designed to incorporate a circular, or toroidal, steel tube within each rotor. This tube would be partially filled with mercury and would act as a dynamic balancing system as the rotor spins. It should have the same effect as pumping mercury through fixed tubes,.

This mercury would simultaneously be immersed within 2 very strong magnetic fields, one stationary, and the other rotating.

I have seen some videos on Youtube where liquid mercury in a glass container has electrodes inserted into it.  Mercury Magnetic Vortex. It appears to me to form a torus rather than a vortex, but it does appear that the electricity is forcing the mercury to spin.

If electricity can make mercury spin, then it may be possible for spinning mercury to make electricity. The mercury contained within the rotors on my machine could possibly generate electricity in 2 ways.
The first just by spinning, and the second by passing through a powerful magnetic field. As the rotor is completely levitating any electricity would have nowhere to go. My hope is that this electricity will convert to an electric field around the machine, similar to the Earth's ionosphere.
Liquid mercury at room temperature is slightly diamagnetic.