UFOs / UAPs Are Now Real
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The USA Government has decided to confirm the existence of some craft or machines in the sky, which exhibit features thought to be impossible. For example, extreme speeds and rates of acceleration and deceleration. Ability to just hover with no obvious means of power. No sound. Anti Gravity is the name.

The reasons for this change of mind are not obvious, but probably beneficial to humanity overall.  

The Media may eventually move away from the "sneer and jeer" agenda, and report this topic factually.

Academics are now faced with a dilemma. All their lives most have participated in the "sneer and jeer" campaign. Unwittingly perhaps. Go with the science, follow the data.
Science called Bullshit.
But unfortunately science was wrong. So the data was ignored.

Now what. Clever people, who never previously gave the subject any thought, may now pay close attention. They will research and they will experiment.

They will smell Fame and Fortune. This could be the next big thing. Antigravity

Perhaps they should spend some time on these pages.