A polarizing light filter is formed, just like in our sunglasses. Nature may have beaten us to it again. These wave forms are clearly shown to us in the form of what is known as "Shadow Bands", which can be observed on the ground just before and just after the totality of an eclipse. Shadow Bands are described by scientists as an "atmospheric disturbance", but no serious scientific effort has been put into analyzing these waveforms.
The waveforms have been noted to be at right angles to each other when observed a short distance apart, on at least
one occasion that I am aware of. The effect is exactly as occurs when 2 polarizing sunglass lenses are place one on top of the other and then one rotated 90 degrees. The passing of light decreases, until at 90 degrees no light whatsoever can pass. Use 2 pairs of sunglasses and try it. They must be of the polarizing type or this will not work.
The only thing which could possibly cause this polarizing effect to occur is some form of emanation from the Sun. I prefer to think of this as the Sun's Dynamic Gravitational Field. It would be the lack of, or disturbance of, the arrival of this Field, due to the blocking by the Moon which causes the polarization.
The implication of two separate waveforms existing is in keeping with the idea that all rotating celestial bodies create their own Dynamic Gravitational Field. Where the Dynamic Gravitational Fields of the Sun and the Earth interact, The DGF of the Earth is compressed or distorted in the area facing the Sun, and a band of electrical energy is created. When the system is working correctly, and each DGF is aligned or mated in some way, neon type light,or plasma, is the result. Disturb this alignment by locally removing the Sun's DGF and the light is switched off.
There are two distinct operations at work here. The first is to cease the
creation of light in the local area of the atmosphere, and the second is to create a filter through which no other light can pass. No wonder it gets so dark !
I found on the Internet some brilliant photographic work. These were taken during the
2006 eclipse in Turkey. The work shows two photos of particular interest. One is a shot of the usual "Black Disc", and the other is a shot of the Moon, a beautiful blue, clearly showing lunar features. I assume the photographer believes that the Blue Moon shot was taken through the black disc, as both feature a perfect eclipse. My theory says that no light can pass through the polarizing filter. I initially thought that the photo was a composite, or fake. I attempted to find out from the photographer but received no reply.
As you can see, this leads to a bit of a problem. It is not possible to see, from the ground, at the same time,
both a black and a blue moon, is it. Well, yes it is. But only under a special set of circumstances.