For some years now I have been working on the theory that gravity has a dual nature. Specifically, that the Earth has Static Gravity (SG) which is derived from mass, and also Dynamic Gravity which is derived from rotation. The Dynamic Gravitational Field (DGF) is what we know as the Earth's Magnetic Field. It may be possible that the DGF is somewhat more powerful than the SG. Our estimation of the weight of the Earth, or indeed the whole universe) may be entirely in error. The fabrication of Dark Matter may not be required to explain missing mass. The following information may lend some "weight " to my ideas.
Gravity, The Dinosaurs, And Venus
It appears that there is a considerable problem regarding the size of various dinosaur remains. There are limits on the weight and height of animals in our gravitational field. Dinosaurs generally exceed these limits by a large amount, including some that are thought to be huge flying reptiles.
Possible explanations for these impossible, yet obviously prolific species, would include the following.
The atmosphere must have been far denser then.
They may have lived in shallow water, giving them some buoyancy.
The mass of the Earth was less, therefore less gravity.
The gravity was less for some other reason.
The accepted theory of a cometary collision wiping out the dinosaurs may not be the true cause of their demise.
A very detailed look at the problem can be found at, where the author comes to the conclusion that only a dense atmosphere could account for the existence of these animals. In fact he specifies 370 atmospheres would give the required atmospheric density. This may require the atmosphere to be at least 370 times as high as it is now. The author does recognize the possibility of a change in the gravitational constant, but dismisses this with a paragraph in chapter 4.
"Nevertheless the author is going to rule that the changing gravitational constant hypothesis is not a realistic explanation for how the dinosaurs grew so large. Changes in the gravitational constant G that may, or may not, be possible over vast distances of billions of light years will not work to account for the huge change in the size of terrestrial animals that occurred on the Earth a mere hundred million years ago. Occam's razor directs us to toss out the changing gravitational constant hypothesis; for if we try to use the changing gravitational constant hypothesis to account for the large size of the dinosaurs this in itself creates so many unsolvable problems that it completely muddles our understanding of the laws of reality."
They may have lived in shallow water. This is not likely. It in no way accounts for the flying varieties.
The possibility of the Earth's mass changing is also dismissed by the next paragraph from the study.
"The next possible variable is the total mass of the Earth. About 4.6 billion years ago, in the earliest stages of the birth of the Earth, the mass of the Earth grew rapidly as it, along with the other planets, swept up the debris of the early solar system. However relatively quickly, within a matter of the first several million years, almost every possible collision between objects that could have occurred, would and did occur. So for all practical purposes, the mass of the Earth has been constant for billions of years. The physical evidence supporting this last statement comes from the study of the craters left on the planets and moons, in particular we can learn about the Earth by studying the Moon."
My suggestion is that both the gravity and atmospheric pressure may have gradually changed on Earth leading to the downfall of the large species. Specifically, as a newly formed planet, the atmosphere of Earth may have been composed in a quite different manner, and have a much higher density and pressure. Planetary rotation may also have been minimal or absent.
The large numbers of fossilized remains may have been the result of an electrical catastrophe, but not the cause of their ultimate demise. has some evidence to show that fossilization could be instantaneous.
The atmospheric density of Venus is 65 kg/m3. About 2/3 that of water. !
The surface pressure is 92 bars or 92 times the atmospheric pressure of the Earth.!
The surface gravity is 8.87 m/s2. About 1/10 less than Earth's gravity. This is likely an assumption based entirely on the ratio of Venus's diameter to Earth's diameter. The rate of descent of probes, if slower than expected, may then have been assumed to be caused by a very dense atmosphere. The reality may be that the gravity of the almost non rotating planet may be nearer to 2m/s2, and the atmospheric pressure much lower than claimed.
Allowing for these errors, it would seem that Venus now, or some time in the future, could support a dinosaur population.
Immanuel Velikovski wrote several books with the main theme being that Venus started life only a few thousand years ago, as a very destructive comet, before settling into its present orbit as a planet. Note that Venus has virtually no rotation, just one retrograde rotation every year. Venus has, in common with the Earth, a high speed upper atmosphere jet stream. This Jet Stream may be the means by which a planet eventually starts to rotate. At some rotational speed the magnetic field forms. This field would be a naturally occurring over-riding gravitational field.
If our planet does have both Static Gravity and Dynamic Gravity, then some anomalies may be better understood.
Gravity, or Static Gravity, is understood to be a weak force which diminishes exponentially as distance from our planet increases. Albert Einstein described the way that planets appear to interact with each other as "spooky action at a distance". This would probably be the Dynamic Gravitational Fields interacting with each other at a distance and seemingly instantaneously. These Dynamic Gravitational Fields may be extremely powerful, and account for all the theoretically missing energy in the Universe.
As an example of how these DGFs may operate we should look at the pendulum. A very long pendulum will rotate a full turn in 24 hours. It is highly likely that the Dynamic Pendulum is reacting not just to the Earth's rotation, but to the presence and position of all the celestial body's Dynamic Gravitational Fields. Maurice Allais performed some detailed experiments to show that the pendulum's precession or rotation may be altered during a Solar Eclipse. His results showed a dramatic alteration of the pendulum's swing during the 1954 Solar Eclipse.
These experiments have never been accepted by the scientific community because the results could not be replicated. And this is not surprising.
My research shows that at the exact time of this Eclipse in 1954, the planet Jupiter was concealed behind the Sun. The two most massive bodies in the Solar System were suddenly removed from any influence on the pendulum. The locations of Saturn, Neptune and Uranus at this time should enable calculations to possibly verify Allais's results.