I suggest that this machine would have
two counter-rotating rings, both independently magnetically levitating within a double compartment frame, and separately driven. The idea is that the frame would remain non rotating. With magnetic levitation there would be minimal friction, so the rings should be able to be driven electrically, say with car batteries. The magnets for levitation should provide the magnetic qualities required to mimic the Earth.
Hopefully this machine will then also produce two fields exactly like our planet. The first field would be a high voltage circular electric field surrounding the machine, The second, an elongated Dynamic Gravitational Field, identical with the Sun/Earth arrangement. The machine, complete with it's small, circular, electric field, would be shielded from the Earth's Gravitational Field/s, and should attempt to move to the center of gravity of it's own Dynamic Gravitational Field.
The spin axis of the machine's rings would be pointing directly toward the Earth, and the rings would be at 90 degrees to the direction of the Earth's Dynamic Gravitational Field. Nature gives us another clue with the planet Uranus. Here the polar area points almost directly at the Sun, but the off center Dynamic Gravitational Field is still almost identical to the Earth/Sun field arrangement. This suggests that the proposed machine would move upward, no matter how it was oriented, as long as the magnetic discs were spinning at a suitable rate. A
diagram shows the machine and its associated field arrangements.